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Whole Brain Teaching is a researched based approach to classroom management. At the heart of Whole Brain Teaching is: student engagement. These are the components to Whole Brain Teaching in our classroom:


5 Classroom Rules






The Scoreboard 






Throughout the day we are trying to get more positive points on the scoreboard than negative. Every tally mark on the positive side equals 1 extra minute of our "end of day play." Every tally mark on the negative side equals 1 minute that we have to sit out of our "end of day play." The class earns tally marks based off of how well they follow our 5 classroom rules. 


Super Improvers


1. Fan,

2. Rookie,

3. Starter,

4. Leader,

5. Captain,

6. Phenom,

7. Super Star,

8. MVP,


9. Living Legend! 










Practice Cards

This will be introduced in the second month of school. These cards are a direct reflection of our 5 classroom rules. Every time a student is not following a rule they receive a warning. If they do not fix their behavior they receive a second warning. If the student still hasn't fixed their behavior I will place a "red card" with the rule they need to practice in their pouch. Students then have the rest of the day to show me that they have practiced that rule and have the opportunity to get a "green card" that cancels our their "red card"! If, however, students do not practice that rule for the rest of the day they will have to sit out of our "end of day play" for 1 minute per red card.

If a student is being an amazing example of following our classroom rules and has gone above and beyond expectations they may receive a "green card" all by itself! If a student has just a green card at the end of the day they get to pick out a prize to bring home! :) 

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